501.BB Palestine/4–549: Telegram
The Minister in Lebanon (Pinkerton) to the Secretary of State
174. Palun 108. [From Ethridge.] During second and last joint meeting between Commission and Arab states at Beirut on April 5, representatives of Egypt, Transjordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Syria informed Commission their governments agreed to continuation of exchange of views at some neutral place at an early date. Iraqi representative stated his government was unable to accept and that prior to further discussion GA Resolution December 11 regarding refugees should be accepted by Israel. Iraqi representative privately stated, however, Iraq would send observer to further meetings.
Egypt, Transjordan and Syria representatives indicated Italy, Brussels, and Evian would be acceptable for meeting in that order. Lebanon preferred Evian. Saudi Arabia had no instructions. Commissioners did not discuss matter further with Arabs re Jerusalem nor among themselves. Commission plans defer decision regarding place and date pending meeting with Ben-Gurion April 7.
Arab representatives made it clear they expected Commission to present their views regarding imperative character paragraph 11 GA [Page 895] Resolution December 11 and that Israel, if it desired to cooperate, might be expected now to make it possible for Arab refugees to return to their homes and to cancel other present Israeli measures re refugee land and property which are prejudicial to interests of refugees.
Commission explained it planned to visit Tel Aviv April 7 and would present Arab views regarding refugees and would ascertain Israeli attitude.1
Department please pass to US Mission, New York.
Sent Department 174; repeated Tel Aviv 7, Jerusalem 28, Baghdad 15, Damascus 23, Amman unnumbered, Cairo 17, Jidda unnumbered, London 3. [Ethridge.]
- Mr. Ethridge, on April 4, had expressed his view to the Department that the Arabs had made a real concession in agreeing to go ahead with peace talks and that “If Israel would make concession now on refugees we would be on our way.” (Telegram 170, identified also as Palun 107, from Beirut, 501.BB Palestine/4–499)↩