501. BB Palestine/3–2349: Telegram

The Chargé in Transjordan (Stabler) to the Secretary of State


us urgent

127. Legtel 126, March 23. Israeli demands and 24-hour ultimatum re Iraqi front, both in themselves and in face expressed attitude USG toward extension armistice to this area and toward Transjordan taking responsibility therein, seem totally unreasonable and in nature of blackmail. While King may feel himself forced to sign agreement [Page 862] tonight, it is however possible that he will succeed in postponing final decision. In view this latter possibility would urgently recommend Department give consideration making strong representations to Israeli Government (if agreement not signed tonight) insisting that matter of territorial dispositions and adjustments be left to peace settlement and that armistice negotiations at Rhodes be concluded at once on present status quo.

Transjordan is willing and ready reach peace settlement but it does appear to be rank injustice for USG to stand by while Israel at point of gun in forcing Transjordan into such an agreement. This situation would seem to offer opportunity for USG to show that it intends implement its policy as expressed in UN on November 20.

Will inform Department earliest possible moment whether agreement signed or not.

Sent Department 127, repeated Beirut 23 for USDel FCC, Baghdad 26.
