501.BB Palestine/3–1149: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Consulate General at Jerusalem


153. Unpal 57. For Ethridge from Rusk. Dept contemplates concentrating activities here re Palestine refugee problem under George McGhee with title of Special Assistant to Secstate. We believe would be useful for McGhee join you for Beirut conference but that, contrary last sentence, Unpal 54 Mar. 9,1 official appt shld not be announced until his return from Beirut since we have no desire confuse Griffis’ operation or to cross wires with PCC responsibilities under Res of Dec. 11. Consequently McGhee would appear in Beirut merely as Dept Officer on special mission for Secy to gather background info on refugee problem. Upon his return he will deal not only with immed and interim phases refugee problem but, more particularly, long-range measures designed for final settlement.

McGhee tentatively plans arrive Beirut Mar 19. Wld like to see Bunche and may either during conference or afterwards call at Rhodes if Bunche himself not available Beirut or Jerusalem. Returning US, McGhee will spend few days London to concert with Brit, officials on refugee problem.

If you perceive any objections this proposal pls tele. Rptd Cairo 267 for Griffis; Beirut 110, London 817, USUN 157. [Rusk.]

  1. Identified also as telegram 145 from Jerusalem, p. 805.