501.BB Palestine/2–1249: Telegram

Mr. Wells Stabler to the Secretary of State


58. Mytel 54, February 8.1 With acceptance by Transjordan of invitation to armistice talks would recommend that Department consider urgently representing to Bunche desirability holding Transjordan–Israel talks in Jerusalem. Both King and high government officials have expressed hope that Jerusalem would be site for talks and believe arguments they produce in support of this not without discernment. Transjordan has given evidence its desire for peace and it is not beyond realms possibility that armistice talks would lead to discussion peace settlement. Consequently any arrangement which would make attainment this objective more facile should, it is thought, be encouraged. Main feature change of venue is propinquity Transjordan delegation to King who must decide important points policy. Delegation as well as others concerned would have easy access to His Majesty at Shuneh or Amman.

This matter has been discussed with Ethridge who has indicated his agreement.2

Sent Department 58, repeated Jidda 6 for USDel Palestine Conciliation Commission, Jerusalem 32.

  1. Not printed; it advised of the official acceptance by Transjordan the same morning of Mr. Bunche’s invitation to armistice talks. The acceptance was said to include Iraq “which will be represented by Transjordan at talks”. (867N.01/2–849)
  2. The Department, in reply on February 15, concurred in the suggestion made in telegram 58 “but feels it should be made to Bunche by Ethridge as US Rep PCC.” (Telegram 21, 501.BB Palestine/2–1249)