501.BB Palestine/2–1149: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United Nations Acting Mediator for Palestine (Bunche), at Rhodes1

Pursuant to communication from Mediator dated August 3, 1948 US Government sent directives to Commanding Generals US Zones Germany and Austria authorizing exit of men of military age destined Palestine only after prior clearance with Mediator. In view cessation of fighting in Middle East and difficulties arising from separation of families under this policy US Government feels this restriction on departure men of military age from its zones of occupation should be removed and plans do so on February 18, 1949, subject to Acting Mediator’s concurrence. No change in present policy prohibiting exit of fighting personnel is planned.

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If Acting Mediator perceives any objection this action US Government will appreciate being so advised prior to date mentioned.2

  1. Transmitted to New York in telegram 74, with a note “Request fol message be given SYG for transmission Acting Mediator, Rhodes by cable:”.
  2. Mr. Bunche replied on February 15, through United Nations channels, that he perceived no objection to the proposed change in policy in view of present conditions in Palestine under the truce (telegram 182 from New York, 501.BB Palestine/2–1549).