867N.00/1–3149: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Consulate General at Jerusalem
70. Ur 86 Jan. 31.1 Dept’s preliminary consideration legal basis abandoned property ordinance, based English summary Palestine Post since translation Hebrew text not yet available, indicates there are probably not at present time grounds for USG representation Tel Aviv on legal basis re application ordinance in New Jerusalem. Dept desires be kept informed as to manner administration ordinance in Jerusalem and be notified of circumstances in any case where Administrator moves to vest property of USG or US nationals.
However, subject concurrence Ethridge, Dept believes appropriate for PCC, view its responsibilities re Arab refugees under GA Palestine resolution, to express its concern to Israeli Govt in light of absentee property ordinance that no party take unilateral action in advance of negotiations contemplated by GA resolution which would prejudice achievement of agreed settlement on such questions as return of refugees to their homes and return of property to refugee owners. View these considerations, PCC might inquire of Israeli authorities re arrangements Govt of Israel contemplates making to return vested property belonging to refugees who later return to their homes.2