867N.01/2–149: Telegram

The Special Representative of the United States in Israel (McDonald) to the Secretary of State

top secret

80. Re Mistel 77, February 1.1 With repeated emphasis need absolute secrecy FonMin informed that January 31 Israel representatives went Transjordan talk with King Abdullah at latter’s request. Interview was lengthy and although not yet in possession complete details conversation FonMin said his information main points were:

King stated he desired peace and that war was not really war but more like an unpleasant incident between “friends”.
British knew King was conferring with Israel representatives and had no objection and gave King free hand except on certain undisclosed points.
That if Bunche invited Transjordan Rhodes negotiate with Israel representatives there King would send envoy immediately. If invitation permitted delay of ten days or so King would again confer with Israel representatives during interim.

FonMin stated he very pleased King’s expression peaceful possibilities but somewhat baffled because King could not disclose points [Page 717] of possible disagreement. Bunche’s invitation and PGI requests delay until conclusion Egyptian talks (Mistel 79, February 1) allows possibility one or more meetings with King during ten days before possible Rhodes meeting.

  1. Not printed, but see footnote 1, p. 715.