501.BB Palestine/2–149: Telegram

The Special Representative of the United States in Israel (McDonald) to the Secretary of State


79. ReMistel 77, February 1.1 Re broadening talks at Rhodes, Foreign Minister stated that PGI received letter 31 January from Bunche in capacity Acting UN Mediator, inviting Israel negotiate armistice with Transjordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Yemen,2 on basis of November 16 resolution, place of conference to be Rhodes or elsewhere within ten days. PGI replied in letter to Bunche February 1, that it readily accepted as regards Transjordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq, provided: (a) that Egyptian negotiations be concluded first; (b) and preferably that negotiations be concluded with others on bi-lateral basis in order handle problems one by one and avoid confusion. As regards Saudi Arabia and Yemen, PGI stated it had no quarrel with these states, desired to have friendly relations [Page 716] with them, and saw no reason negotiate armistice with them, because never considered itself in actual conflict with them.3

  1. Not printed; it reported that Ambassador McDonald had formally conveyed United States de jure recognition to the Israeli Foreign Minister at 12 noon, February 1, and that in the ensuing 95-minute conversation, the latter had volunteered important information, to be made the subjects of following telegrams (867N.01/2–149).
  2. Mr. Bunche sent these invitations to the Governments of Israel and of the Arab States (except for Egypt) on January 30. The Security Council released the text of the latter group of invitations on February 3 as S/1241.

    Foreign Minister hopeful mood re progress Rhodes Egyptian talks, especially inasmuch as on January 31 Shiloah had first direct talk with Egyptian representative and latter expressed earnest desire conclude armistice.

  3. According to a cablegram of February 8 from Mr. Bunche to Secretary-General Lie, the Governments of Israel, on January 31, and of Transjordan, on February 8, accepted Mr. Bunche’s invitation. The Security Council released the cablegram the same day as S/1245.

    Saudi Arabia, on February 8, declined the invitation, noting that the “armed Saudi Arabian troops participating in the Palestine campaign do not constitute an independent front, and there is no reason why the Saudi Arabian Government should enter into any negotiations to conclude a new truce while the truce Imposed in July is still effective. At any rate, the Saudi Arabian Government accepts the decisions which have already been adopted, or which may be adopted by the Arab League, in respect of the situation in Palestine.”

    Iraq also declined the invitation, informing Mr. Bunche on February 13 that “the terms of armistice which will be agreed upon by the Arab States neighbours of Palestine … will be regarded as acceptable.” The texts of the Saudi Arabian and Iraqi replies were transmitted by Mr. Bunche to Secretary-General Lie on February 24 and were released the same day by the Security Council as S/1265.