501.BB Palestine/1–1849: Circular telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Missions in the American Republics 1
As you aware from wireless bulletin, President has publicly stated interest this country in plight Palestine refugees and is asking Congress for $16 million appropriation to be this Govt’s share of $32 million relief program voted by UNGA Nov. 19. For your secret info Joint Chiefs of Staff and Secy National Defense concerned over grave threat to stability Middle East represented by more than half million Arab refugees living in conditions utmost destitution and squalor, whose fate if not promptly relieved will lead to further deterioration our strategic position in this important area.
Thus far US has been outstanding in its efforts to contribute to UN relief program, whose Director is Stanton Griffis, now on leave from post as Amb Cairo. Response of other Amer Republics has been distinctly disappointing and on whole can be classed as completely negative.
We understand Amb Griffis would like to send personal rep to explore possibilities securing contributions in kind from Brazil, Arg and possibly Chile. Although this is strictly UN enterprise, because US strategic interests involved you are requested tele your private estimate whether Govts concerned would be disposed make contribution and if accordingly it would be worthwhile for UN Director Relief Program send special rep.
Repeated to Cairo for Griffis, USUN.
- Sent to Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, and Santiago.↩