890.20/4–849: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Iran


329. Urtel 445, Apr. 5.1 Iran Reps Wash, like FonMin Tehran, have raised subj regional pact including Iran. For some time Ala has mentioned informally his conversations with Turkish, Greek, Egyptian, and possibly other Ambs here this subj. Early Mar, Iran MA Mazhari, “acting as interpreter for His Majesty”, asked Director Army Intelligence “to consider Iran most important country in Mediterranean Pact”. Subsequently Iran Counselor Aram referred to Tehran tel reporting FonMin belief regional pact “of utmost importance to Iran fon policy”.

For ur guidance, Dept position conveyed IranEmb follows: Dept has given no consideration question Mediterranean or Middle Eastern Pact; is not in position to do so until ramifications North Atlantic Pact are clarified; and cannot encourage or discourage consideration such pact by countries possibly party to such regional arrangement.

  1. Not printed.