891.00/3–449: Airgram

The Chargé in Iran ( Somerville ) to the Secretary of State


A–84. Weekly Political Airgram, Period Ending March 4, 1949.

1) Constitutional reform: Toward the end of the week the Shah summoned representatives of all the Majlis factions to inform them of his decision to call a constituent assembly. On Sunday the Majlis considered the Shah’s proposals in secret session and, contrary to the expectations of some observers, the deputies gave their virtually unanimous assent to the convocation of a constituent assembly for the following specific purposes:

To add to the Constitution an article setting up procedures for amending the basic law in the future;
To consider means to revise and “complete” Article 48 of the Constitution providing under certain circumstances for the dissolution of the Majlis.
To consider means to “complete” Article 44 of the Constitution providing for the establishment of a Senate.

Early this week, at the request of the Government, the Shah issued his “firman” or imperial decree ordering the convocation of a constituent assembly. The complete text of the decree and the regulations governing the elections will be submitted under cover of a separate communication.1

[Here follow sections on Radio Moscow, the trial of Tudeh leaders, the extension of martial law, the press bill, and the Shah’s firman calling on the Minister of Interior to undertake preparations for the election of the 16th Majlis.]

  1. The Department, on February 11, had informed Tehran that President Truman wished to invite the Shah to visit the United States for about three weeks, suggesting that March 30 would be a convenient date for the monarch’s arrival in Washington (telegram 128). The Shah informed the Embassy that “his decision proceed with constitutional reform proposals makes it impossible for him to leave country now. He reiterated hope it might be possible for him to make such visit in late summer or early autumn.” (Telegram 257, March 5, 3 p. m., from Tehran) President Truman expressed his understanding of the “mitigating circumstances and looks forward to pleasure of receiving Shah at later convenient date.” (Telegram 216, March 9, 7 p. m., to Tehran) The three telegrams are filed under 891.001 Pahlavi, Reza Shah. No. 128 bears enclosure date /2–249; nos. 257 and 216 both bear enclosure date /3–549.