Editorial Note

President Truman received a courtesy visit from Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Tsaldaris and Deputy Prime Minister Venizelos at the White House at noon on November 18. Tsaldaris and Venizelos, who had headed the Greek Delegation to the Fourth Session of the United Nations General Assembly, were about to return to Greece. According to the brief statement issued to the press on November 18 (Department of State Bulletin, November 28, 1949, page 829, and Public Papers of the Presidents: Harry 8. Truman, 1949, page 572), the President took the occasion to congratulate the Greek leaders on the victories won by the Greek national forces over the guerrilla movement. The President also assured his callers of the continued interest of the United States in the welfare and security of the Greek people. No additional record has been found in the files of the Department of State regarding the substance of the conversation.