501.BC Kashmir/5–749: Telegram

The Ambassador in India (Henderson) to the Secretary of State


us urgent

520. At conclusion my talk with Bajpai today (mytel 5211) he said he would like again express to me on purely personal basis his own opinion that although he feels India should go ahead with plebiscite if Pakistan insists, plebiscite will not solve Kashmir problem. If either side wins, all Kashmir difficulties arising from refugees disgruntled minorities and so forth will plague Southern Asia for years. Partition would be soundest solution. Unfortunately Pakistan continues blindly and emotionally to insist on plebiscite and all of Kashmir. He is not in position suggest partition since Pakistan would construe such suggestion as fear that India would lose plebiscite. It was unfortunate that more attention was not being paid to events sure follow allocation of whole territory to either Pakistan or India following plebiscite.

  1. Supra.