501.BB Palestine(E)/11–2649: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Consulate General at Istanbul


338. For McGhee.


Brit informed Dept USGADel late this week they support ESM report and genl lines US draft res. Brit desired, however, to reexamine (a) structure proposed agency (UN director and Advisory Comm) as against possibility utilizing IRO and (b) if IRO not considered suitable, of creation of donors commite to direct relief and public works program either in addition to or in substitution for Advisory Comm.

Brit also stated their support ESM report shld not be considered commitment to specific financial contribution as they not ready at this time to indicate extent Brit contribution.

Nov 25 Wright and Hare agreed (a) proposed agency preferable to IRO since latter associated by Arabs with Jewish immigration, since IRO in process winding up its affairs, and because it not constituted handle proposed ESM program; (b) that comite of donors wld be cumbersome and complicating either as addition to or substitute for Advisory Comm, that if changes required it wld be preferable increase membership Advisory Comm by one or two states such as Denmark. Genl question wld, however, be kept open pending further talks in NY between US, UK, Fr and Turk in light developments at UN.

Dept stated it understood Brit position re commitment at this stage re specific financial contribution and observe US similar position.

In view possibility genl Ad Hoc Polit Comite debate re Jlem may conclude early next week and need for coordination on ESM res in NY, further discussions will be concentrated NY. Meanwhile, Dept will continue Work with UK, Fr and Turk here.

During early part debate Ad Hoc Polit Comite Nov 25 Israel rejected PCC statute grounds plan wld impose internationalization against local right self-determination. Egypt rejected statute since plan wld mean partition and ultimate annexation. Syria acceded to demands for internationalization, indicating willingness study PCC statute. UK and Canada believe statute represents desirable and practical solution. Brazil agreed support PCC plan. Nicaragua thought it might serve basis for discussion. New Zealand favors real internationalization Jlem area. View Abdullah’s insistence, Jordan expected deliver statement opposing internatl regime. Chile said PCC plan rests on false juridical position and GA shld limit self to holy places. If a [Page 1512] subcomite unable agree on a Jlem res, Bolivia believes PCC plan shld be accepted as compromise. Netherlands, doubting agreement re Jlem possible this session believes GA shld decide on principle internationalization, and send commissioner for holy places pending final action.
Iran Govt reliably reported to have handed expulsion orders 36 Iraqi Jews two Iraqi Christians. To AmEmb query Iran Govt stated order not confined Iraqi Jews but apply all Iraqi subjects, in accordance decree Council Mins passed Oct 5 in Shah’s presence. Govt states relations with Iraq strained owing recent Iraqi restrictions on Iranian cits in Iraq, allegedly affecting large Iran population Kerbala, and recent expulsion number Iranians. Dept’s instructions Tehran being repted you separately.