867N.01/11–1649: Telegram

The Chargé in Jordan (Fritzlan) to the Secretary of State


402. In hour conversation with King Abdullah this morning he gave me following exposé his attitude and recent actions re Palestine:

[Here follow four numbered paragraphs, broadly paralleling the report in despatch 140, November 11, page 1483, and stating in addition that the King expressed contempt for the “stalling and obstructive attitude” of the other Arab League members and observed that with the complete failure of the Palestine Conciliation Commission, he had no recourse other than to undertake direct negotiations with Israel. Of special note was the King’s statement that “he had recently received ‘high Jewish personality’ and had discussed possible terms. (Presumably this occurred last Sunday night which King spent at Shuneh.) Abdullah stated both he and Israeli agent agreed early peace highly desirable as armistice soon expiring.” The King’s terms, in addition to those set forth in despatch 140, were said to include a rectification of the existing line to restore the Jerusalem–Bethlehem road to Jordan and mutual free port facilities at Haifa and Aqaba. The King also expressed the hope that the Israelis would make reasonable concessions because of their “desperate” economic situation.]

(5) Abdullah stated he very desirous visiting President Truman and US. He wished me to convey to President fact that he harbors no hatred for Jews. Believes he could convince US Jew leaders reasonableness his attitude, and perhaps he and Weizmann (if also in US) might reach agreement.

(6) King hoped during coming months Israelis would take no steps or permit incidents (e.g. boundary incidents) which would prejudice chances early settlement, and he desired me convey this sentiment to Israelis through US Government.

[Page 1495]

(7) Commenting on present negotiations at Lake Success, King remarked he was sorry to see that Jordan PCC delegate was expressing agreement with other Arab delegates against wishes and instructions Jordan Government. In reply to my query His Majesty stated this especially true re status Jerusalem and presentation joint memorandum to Department, step he considered ill advised.

Comment: King’s desire early liquidation Palestine affair is natural. However, it is clear any settlement agreeable to His Majesty, whether achieved through UN or direct negotiations, must include substantial advantages for Jordan. Abdullah especially interested securing access to Mediterranean and replacing Egypt at Gaza.

King sincerely and strongly feels his position could be strengthened by visit to US. He feels policy US Government has served greatly strengthen Israelis and trips Weizmann to US has contributed largely to consolidating Israeli position.

Seems plausible that a visit by King to US, perhaps during coming spring, would serve focus US public attention on strategic importance Arab world to US and on urgent necessity providing solution such problems as fate Arab refugees. Possibly such a visit could contribute to adoption and success refugee aid program.1

Pouched Arab capitals, Jerusalem.

Sent Department 402; Department pass London 102, Tel Aviv 63, USUN 19.

  1. New York, on November 19, reported information from the Jordanian Representative at the United Nations that he had received instructions from King Abdullah adamantly opposing the internationalization of Jerusalem regardless of the position of the other Arab Delegations and the Israelis and directing him to explore the possibility of undertaking direct negotiations with the Israelis in New York. The Jordanian Representative was said to believe there was “no possibility Abdullah obtaining his territorial objectives from Israelis and that King playing with fire in contemplating direct negotiations.” (Telegram Delga 232, 867N.01/11–1949)