890D.00/11–1549: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Legation in Syria
495. From McGhee for Minister Keeley. In conversation with me Nov 5 Syrian Min stated that in his judgment Syria must “line up” openly with US against Russia and requested my advice as to what Syria shld do to demonstrate this fact and promote area economic and political stability. He stated his personal conviction time has come for positive action in settling Pal controversy and proceed with economic rehabilitation in NE.
I welcomed his approach as statesman-like and said I had been disappointed by lack of progressive Arab leadership at present critical juncture. Experience indicates continued inability Israel and Arab states to reach agreement concerning outstanding Pal and econ questions does not operate to advantage of Arabs. It seemed to me that Syria, because of mature state of political development, natural leadership and great economic potential was in unique position to assert positive leadership in breaking impasse, and shld seize its opportunity to do so.
I said I believed Syria shld do two things: Cooperate to fullest degree with the UN and particularly the ESM, and commence direct talks with Israel for a peace settlement. I recalled President’s statement on appointment Gordon Clapp as Chairman ESM,1 which reflected sincere US interest take constructive part in planning practical program rehabilitation and economic development in Near East. Here was unique opportunity for Syria obtain practical benefits through cooperation with ESM on basis of whose activities US wld be more able to assist in economic planning. Syria cld express cooperation by early creation Development Board to cooperate with ESM and US. Likewise Syria cld earn gratitude Arab posterity by taking lead in achieving peaceful settlement Pal controversy. I sincerely believed it was in highest self-interest Syria find ways and means of engaging in [Page 1494] direct talks Israeli Govt, however unpalatable this might seem at outset. Results cld only be advantageous to Syria and Arab world since every month’s delay brought new factors into situation none of which cld redound to ultimate benefit of Arabs.
Faiz Bey declared he wld submit these views his Govt and requested I ask you convey similar views both to present interim govt and to govt to be formed after the elections. You shld seek early favorable opportunity convey foregoing views to Syrian Govt unless you have comment which you wish to raise with Dept or at Istanbul meeting.2 You shld particularly suggest desirability formation Syrian economic development board draw up long range development projects and cooperate with technical members ESM. [McGhee.]