
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Secretary of State

top secret

Meeting With the President

item no. 1

Italy and the Atlantic Pact

I informed the President of the situation which arose at our meeting with the Ambassadors on Friday,1 of the inquiry from Norway as to the possibility of their joining at once, and the attempt by the the French Ambassador to link the admission of Italy with that of Norway.

After some discussion of the matter, the President said that he had no final views on the matter, that he wished me to talk with the Senators, but that he was inclined to believe at present that it would be wiser not to have Italy one of the original signers and possibly not in the Pact at all. He would like to consider at some time the possibility of a Mediterranean arrangement.

For the present he thought it advisable for me to take a firm position on Norway and to continue to hold the Italian matter open.

[Dean Acheson]
  1. Minutes of the thirteenth meeting, February 25, not printed.