840.00/2–149: Telegram

The Ambassador in Belgium (Kirk) to the Secretary of State


158. Discussing progress made London last week1 regarding European Union Loridan said greater area agreement had been reached at meeting than Belgians had anticipated. While latter encouraged by British concessions (i.e., agreement establish “consultative body” voted by members rather than by dels,* etc), Belgians still hope British will agree to “consultative body” being a “consultative assembly”. Loridan added permanent Brussels Pact committee in London meeting this week iron out details.

Speaking of initial membership he said it was agreed “European Council” should consist of 5 powers plus Italy and Scandinavian countries if latter agree join. (Italy and Scandinavia will be sounded out informally prior being approached officially since 5 powers would not risk being rebuffed. Belgians believe Italian adherence certainty but not sure about Sweden.)

When queried regarding timetable for establishment “European Council” Loridan said it difficult fix timetable at present because details still to be worked out: i.e., (1) regarding pact itself; (2) sounding out Italy Scandinavia; (3) regarding form instrument establishing “European Council”, etc. Nonetheless, Belgians hope final arrangements will be reached prior to or by next meeting Brussels Pact Ministers scheduled April.

Sent Department 158, pouched London, Paris, The Hague, Luxembourg.

  1. Reference is to the meeting of the Consultative Council of the Brussels treaty powers, attended by the five foreign ministers.
  2. Delegates? Delegations? [Footnote in the source text.]