501.BC Spain/4–2049: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the United States Mission at the United Nations
GADel 19. Dept’s position on Span question as recommended to Del has been reconsidered (Delga 28 Apr 13 and Delga 33 Apr 15) and modified.
Del is instructed to abstain if vote is taken to amend 1946 Res to permit return Ambs and Mins to Madrid.
This position has been approved by Pres.
Balance recommended position unchanged and Del is instructed to vote favorably for resolutions proposed by other Dels which would amend 1946 Res to permit Span membership in specialized agencies when in opinion agency Span participation will contribute to technical objectives agency.
Govts Western Europe and Latin Amer being informed US position.1
- On March 21 a circular telegram, not printed, was sent to London, Paris, Brussels, The Hague, Oslo, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Ottawa, Madrid, and to the other American Republics except Brazil noting this change in the United States position on Spain. (501.BC Spain/4–2149) A separate telegram to Rio, not printed, in the same sense and indicating that this decision had been discussed with the Brazilian delegation at the United Nations, was sent on April 22. (501.BC Spain/4–2049)↩