840.20/3–1649: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Turkey


102. Turk Amb today reiterated and emphasized previously expressed views that exclusion Turkey from North Atlantic Pact seriously weakens Turk position vis-à-vis USSR and opens way for Soviets to produce split in Turk public opinion.1 He stressed that inclusion non-Atlantic power, namely Italy, points up exclusion Greece and Turkey, which are only two free European powers wishing to join Pact not invited. Argued that Turk public would interpret this as meaning US and Western European states unwilling to assume risk of pledging to come to aid of Turkey if she were attacked. Previous US statements in support Turkey, such as Truman Doctrine and President’s message last Oct 292 have lost effect because of comparison with new and closer obligations assumed by US to Western Europe. Added that inclusion both Italy and France in Atlantic Pact made it very difficult for Turkey to realize Medit group which was her logical alternative to membership Atlantic Pact.

Amb also cited unwillingness Adm Conolly open mil staff talks following encouragement given by Adm Radford as cause of worry to Turk Govt re attitude US toward Turkey.

Request your estimate effect on Turk Govt and public opinion of exclusion Turkey from Atlantic Pact and possible eventual decision of US not to encourage or associate itself with Medit or Near East group including Turkey. Especially wish your views whether Turk disappointment this regard could result in any weakening determination [Page 235] Turk people continue firm resistance USSR. Erkin says, among other things, leaders of group such as Nation Party could seriously embarrass Govt by querying attitude Western powers toward Turkey in light refusal include her in European defense group. Do you believe this is serious danger?

  1. A memorandum of conversation covering this March 16 meeting between Satterthwaite, Jernegan, and Ambassador Feridun C. Erkin is in Department of State file No. 840.20/3–1649.
  2. For statement by President Truman on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Republic of Turkey, see Department of State Bulletin, November 7, 1948, p. 585.