Editorial Note
On June 16 at the 42nd meeting of the National Security Council Secretary of Defense Johnson circulated a report on the future course of United States action with respect to Austria. This report, NSC 38/1, consisted of a memorandum by Johnson asking the Department of State to present its views on the future course of action with respect to Austria, a copy of Secdel 1671, page 1282, another memorandum by Johnson reviewing the views of the National Military Establishment on the military implications of concluding an Austrian Treaty, and a copy of Johnson’s letter to the Secretary of State, June 15, supra. No action was taken by the Council on NSC 38/1 at this meeting, but at the next session, July 7, it was referred to the National Security Council Staff for use in the preparation of a study on the courses of action available to the United States with respect to Austria. The Staff study became NSC 38/3 dated November 8 and was revised in light of certain suggestions by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and submitted and approved by President Truman on November 18 as NSC 38/4, dated November 17, page 1190. The text of NSC 38/3 is indicated in the footnotes to NSC 38/4.