863.105/3–2449: Telegram

The Minister in Austria (Erhardt) to the Secretary of State

top secret

299. Démarche of French Embassy on Austrian gendarmerie (Deptel 243, March 181) is not understood here. As General Keyes has reported to JCS three Western High Commissioners in full agreement presented proposal to Austrian Government two weeks ago and Austrians have accepted enthusiastically. They expect to present detailed plan of their proposed organization about middle April after consideration of which, further recommendations in regard to implementation will be submitted by Three High Commissioners to their governments. Austrians have expressed preference not to receive heavy arms at this time and this portion of standard equipment will presumably be held for present in Western hands. When General Keyes informed Béthouart of French Embassy démarche, latter expressed great surprise, stated that Paris fully aware of steps taken and that [Page 1242] he had just discussed question there again during visit last week end and found full agreement.2

  1. Supra.
  2. General Keyes had reported to the Department of the Army along these lines in telegram P 3175, March 23, from Vienna, not printed (863.105/3–2349). In telegram 290, March 31, to Vienna, not printed, the Department of State informed Erhardt that it believed the French wanted to review the question of the Austrian Gendarmerie after the planning had been completed and before the decision was made to proceed with implementation. It asked that Béthouart seek clarification in Paris and stated that efforts would also be made in Washington to obtain further information. (863.105/3–2449)