863.105/2–1249: Telegram
The United States High Commissioner for Austria (Keyes) to the Department of the Army
P 3015. Action to Dept Army for JCS to State cite PAGCT from USFA sgd Keyes. Reference is made to WX 83786.1
Conference was held 10 February 1949 with British High Commissioner on subject Austrian gendarmerie regiment. We are in agreement that procedure outlined in reference cable should be followed in furthering plan except that, for political reasons, Austrian gendarmerie preferably should not be deputized as part of our security forces under rules of land warfare. It is considered that formation of a gendarmerie regiment of three battalions distributed over three Western occupied zones under operational control of Austrian Ministry of Interior is justified under terms of Allied Control agreement for Austria. This procedure is more likely to be acceptable to Austrian Government and would not justify undesirable Soviet countermeasures.
Absence of French High Commissioner from Vienna precludes discussion of subject with him prior to 17 February. However, applicable contents of reference cable have been transmitted to appropriate member of his staff. Meeting contemplated with General Béthouart earliest after his return. We are assuming that French have been approached at governmental level as outlined in cable 898, Secretary of State to Vienna Legation, 30 November 1948,2 and that General Béthouart will have been informed of change in former position of French Government.3
- Not printed; in it the Department of the Army authorized Keyes to issue equipment to the Austrian gendarmerie. The Department of State approved this action, but wanted the program carefully coordinated with the progress of the Austrian Treaty negotiations in London and with the efforts to obtain quadripartite agreement for the establishment of Austrian armed forces. Keyes was instructed to deputize the Austrian Gendermerie as part of his security forces and issue them equipment corresponding to the training and missions they would perform. (Department of Defense files)↩
- Foreign Relations, 1948, vol. ii, p. 1375.↩
- In telegram P 3050, February 19, from Vienna, not printed, Keyes reported that he had conferred with the French High Commissioner, Béthouart, who agreed to the approach to the Austrian Government. Implementation of the plan, including the issue of equipment, would be contingent on the approval of the three Western governments following its acceptance by the Austrian Government. (803.105/2–1949)↩