863.00/8–349: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Legation in Austria


861. Sov position that under election law approval of “voter groups” not required ur 973 Aug 31 is unacceptable in view recent AC reaffirmation that 1945 decision considered in effect. Dept considers that as long as 1945 decision not explicitly repealed US position wld be rendered ambiguous and contradictory if we specifically sanctioned 100 voter group principle as means of circumventing original AC decision. However, as previously expressed Dept considers that 1945 decision shld now be repealed.

Fair consideration shld be given to any applicants, and approval given if prospective parties possess minimum number of adherents and have politically unobjectionable program and leadership. Although this position considered basically unsatisfactory, because it solves neither problem of 100 voter groups nor addresses itself specifically to parties such as Democratic Union or Kraus group, it will at least preserve continuity of policy, pending final decision on relinquishment of all foreign controls on Austrian elections.

EC discussion may afford opportunity to determine whether Sovs wld now approve eliminating 1945 decision.2

  1. Not printed.
  2. At the meeting of the Executive Committee, August 5, all four occupying powers maintained their positions on the three political parties which sought approval, and, at the demand of the Soviet representative, the question was submitted to the Allied Council meeting on August 12. (Telegram 996, August 6, from Vienna, not printed, 863.00/8–649)