Editorial Note

Following the suspension of their meetings the Deputies for Austria proceeded to Paris to prepare their report and to be at the disposition of their Ministers during the sixth session of the Council of Foreign Ministers, May 23 through June 20. The Ministers, at their first meeting, placed the Austrian Treaty on the Agenda as item 4 and instructed the Deputies to draw up their report on the Austrian Treaty before June 1. If it were not possible to agree on a general report, the [Page 1097] Deputies should submit separate reports. The Deputies met four times informally in Paris May 30 through June 1 in a vain attempt to write a general report for the Foreign Ministers. The main obstacle was Zarubin’s insistence that the Western Deputies’ position on Article 35 could only be inserted in a general report as footnotes to the Soviet text, while the Western Deputies maintained that their conditions on Article 35 must be set forth in a manner equal to the Soviet. This question could not be resolved and separate reports were presented.

The Ministers then considered the Austrian Treaty at meetings 19–23, June 12–20, and at an informal meeting on the 20th. During the course of these deliberations the Ministers agreed to the following compromise: the Soviet Union dropped its demand for territorial changes and reparations for Yugoslavia while the Western powers agreed to a lump sum payment in Article 35 of $150,000,000. The Ministers also agreed that the Deputies should promptly resume their work for the purpose of reaching agreement on a draft treaty by September 1.

The Deputies for Austria, resuming their morning sessions at Lancaster House, met forty-eight times from July 1 to September 1 (meetings 164–212). Zarubin, Berthelot, and Reber continued to represent the Soviet Union, France, and the United States respectively, but William Ivo Mallet, Assistant Under-Secretary of State, replaced Marjoribanks as the Deputy for the United Kingdom.

For documentation relating to the discussion of the Austrian Treaty at the sixth session of the Council of Foreign Ministers, see Chapter VI, Part B. The records of decisions and the various documents considered by the Deputies during their summer meetings are in the CFM Files: Lot M–88, Box 114; the United States Delegation minutes of the Deputies’ meetings are in Lot M–88, Boxes 11’5 and 116; and a complete log of the telegrams between the Department of State and the United States Delegation is in Lot M–88, Box 148.