Editorial Note
Principal Members of the Delegations to the Sixth Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers1
French Delegation
Robert Schuman, Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Deputy for Austria
Marcel Berthelot, Representative at the Austrian Treaty Negotiations.
[Page 914]Principal Advisers
Hervé Alphand, Director General of Economic and Financial Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Maurice Couve de Murville, Director General of Political Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
André François-Poncet, Diplomatic Counselor for German Affairs and Chargé de Mission with the Commander-in-Chief in Germany.
Alexandre Parodi, Secretary General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Jacques Tarbé de Saint-Hardouin, Political Adviser to the Commander-in-Chief in Germany.
Soviet Delegation
Andrei Y. Vyshinsky, Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Deputy for Austria
Georgiy N. Zarubin, Representative at the Austrian Treaty Negotiations and Ambassador in the United Kingdom.
Principal Advisers
Alexander E. Bogomolov, Ambassador to France.
General of the Army Vasili I. Chuikov, Chief of the Soviet Military Administration in Germany; Commander in Chief, Soviet forces of occupation in Germany.
Boris F. Podsterob, Secretary-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Vladimir S. Semenov, Political Adviser to the Chief of the Soviet Military Administration.
Andrei A. Smirnov, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.
United Kingdom Delegation
Ernest Bevin, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
Deputy for Austria
James A. M. Marjoribanks, Representative at the Austrian Treaty Negotiations.
Principal Advisers
Patrick J. Dean, Head of the German Political Department, Foreign Office.
Lord Henderson, Parliamentary Under-Secretary, Foreign Office.
Sir Ivone A. Kirkpatrick, Permanent Under-Secretary, Foreign Office.
General Sir Brian H. Robertson, Commander-in-Chief and Military Governor in Germany.
Christopher E. Steel, Political Adviser in Germany.
[Page 915]United States Delegation
Dean Acheson, Secretary of State.
Austrian Deputy
Samuel Reber, Representative at the Austrian Treaty Negotiations.
Principal Advisers
Charles E. Bohlen, Counselor, Department of State.
Goldthwaite Dorr, Special Assistant to Assistant Secretary of the Army.
John Foster Dulles, Consultant to the Secretary of State on Foreign Affairs.
Philip C. Jessup, Ambassador at Large (Alternate Member)
Major General Carter B. Magruder, Deputy to the Assistant Secretary of the Army.
Robert D. Murphy, Acting Director of the Office of German and Austrian Affairs (Deputy for Germany)
The minutes, records of decisions, documents, staff papers, delegation minutes, and records of Tripartite meetings are in the CFM Files: Lot M–88. During the Sixth Session the United States Delegation filed three series of telegrams. The first, designated by the series indicator Delsec, gave daily factual reports on the Council sessions and was given broad distribution within the Departments of State and Army and the Central Intelligence Agency. The second series, also designated Delsec, gave the Delegation’s impressions and interpretations of the conference. Its distribution was restricted to President Truman and top policy officers of the Departments of State and Army. The third series of telegrams, designated Actel, transmitted special messages for President Truman and Webb only. For a personal account of the meetings of the Foreign Ministers, see Acheson, Present at the Creation, pages 291–301.
- This list was compiled from materials in the files of the Department of State. For the complete list of the United States Delegation, see Participation of the United States Government in International Conferences, July 1, 1948–June 30, 1949, pp. 3–5.↩