740.00119 Control (Germany)/12–1649: Telegram

The United States High Commissioner for Germany (McCloy) to the Secretary of State


65. From HICOG Bonn, US Secretary Allied General Secretariat, from Slater. Following is final exchange of letters on 16 December 1949 between Adenauer and the High Commission regarding Federal Republic accession to IAR statute:

In accordance with telephone conversation Byroade-Gerhardt 15 December,1 I agreed to Adenauer’s draft letter to HICOM which Council officially received. Text follows:

“With reference to my letter of 30 November 1949,2 I have the honor to inform you in the name of the Federal Government that Mr. Bluecher has been nominated as German delegate to the Ruhr Authority.

I avail myself of this occasion to state that the Federal Government hereby accepts3 the rights and obligations arising out of the agreement [Page 504] of 28 April 1949, on the establishment of an International Authority for the Ruhr. I wish further to refer, in connection with article 31 of the agreement, to paragraph 2 of the protocol of 22 November 1949,4 which records the understanding that German accession to the Ruhr agreement will not be subject to any special conditions under article 31 thereof. Signed Adenauer.”5

Text of HICOM Council letter to Adenauer was officially transmitted as follows:

“The Allied High Commission acknowledges receipt of your letter, dated December 16, informing it that the Federal Government has designated Dr. Bluecher to represent it on the Council of the International Authority for the Ruhr, and will assume the rights and obligations resulting from the agreement of 28 April 1949. It considers this letter as signifying that the Federal Government accedes to the International Authority for the Ruhr under the conditions as provided in the statute of the Authority, and it will notify the president of the International Authority of the Ruhr that Dr. Bluecher will henceforth exercise the rights granted to the representative of Germany by the statute of this organization.”

The only discussion with Adenauer today concerned appointment of Bluecher as German delegate. Poncet pointed out that Bluecher was inappropriate appointment for the following reasons:
Bluecher was already preoccupied with tasks as vice-chancellor, senior cabinet member, Federal Republic representative to OEEC.
A “technical” representative would be better than a “political” appointment, particularly better than the appointment of a cabinet member. Poncet pointed out that Bluecher was only cabinet member on IAR Council.

Poncet stated he hoped Adenauer would reconsider Bluecher’s appointment if he found Bluecher had too much to do. Adenauer replied that Bluecher’s appointment was carefully considered and calculated to afford widest scope regarding problems of all Europe, as well as the Ruhr; further, that Bluecher shall have to follow instructions. In reply to direct question of Poncet, Adenauer indicated Dr. Bauer was only an interim appointment and would be recalled. Adenauer will appoint a nominee of the Federation of Trade Unions to be Bluecher’s deputy.

Sent Department 65, repeated Frankfort 73, Berlin 34, Paris 34, London 37.

  1. No record of this conversation has been found in the Department of State files.
  2. Transmitted in telegram 54, December 1, p. 498.
  3. In telegram 4992, December 17, from Frankfurt, not printed, McCloy indicated that the word “accepts” should be changed to “assumes” to conform with the German text. (862.00/12–1749)
  4. The text of the Petersberg Protocol is printed on p. 343.
  5. In telegram 3489, December 21, to Frankfurt, not printed, the Department of State agreed that Adenauer’s letter was a satisfactory assumption of the responsibilities under the Ruhr Agreement. (740.00119 Control (Germany)/12–1649)