840.00/11–249: Telegram

The United States High Commissioner for Germany ( McCloy ) to the Secretary of State


3683. On basis information available here cannot fully agree with opinion expressed by Shuckburgh (London’s 4357 to Department, repeated Frankfort as 1521), that “West Germany not at present particularly hostile to admission of Saar.”

During Bundestag election campaign, Saar was important SPD issue and relative calm present public disinterest to which Shuckburgh must refer is highly deceptive, merely indicating temporary German preoccupation other matters. In this connection attention Department is called to secret intelligence report, for American use only, re foreign policy program adopted by top SPD leaders at closed meeting held September 5 in Cologne at which Schumacher, Schmid, Ollenhauer, Brauer, Paul Loebe and Otto Suhr were present, latter two representing Berlin. “The Saar problem was the main subject of discussion.” Schumacher stated his information indicated that Saar delegation to European Assembly at Strasbourg had appeared to be so weak and to have so little support from among the people of Saar that French Government had contemplated withdrawing it.

Ollenhauer informed committee of his secret meeting with Grumbach, French Socialist leader and German affairs expert, at Bad Duerkheim on 29 August and added that Grumbach had declared the French Socialist Party (SFIO) would use its influence to prevent the admission of the Saar to European Assembly. Schumacher emphasized SPD must continue its opposition against separation of Saar from Germany. If SPD would let up, he said, the KPD and SED would become only active champions of retaining Saar. Mention made [Page 496] of provision of an alleged “secret” preamble to prove that Saar is a “puppet state” unworthy of admission. “Even if French would restate their view that Saar is, at least for present, politically still a part of Germany, SPD would counter that Western Germany and its parts should be represented in union by representative government of combined Western zones, not by governments of Laender”. (Weekly Intelligence Report No. 175. Office Director Intelligence, 17 September, 19492)

Sent Department 3683; repeated London 238, Paris 271.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Not found in Department of State files.