Editorial Notes
On April 15 the Belgian Government announced that it was renouncing its claim to the greater portion of the German frontier areas transferred to it under the March 22 Protocol. On April 23 Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands took over the other areas ceded to them.
On April 20, the United States Embassy in the United Kingdom transmitted to the Department of State the text of a British draft note to the Soviet Government on the adjustments of the Western frontier of Germany. On May 4 another despatch noted two changes in the draft, indicating the text as delivered to the Soviet Embassy in London [Page 448] on that day. The British note was substantially the same as that transmitted in telegram 1246, April 8, page 445. In the meantime the United States had decided to withhold its reply to the Soviet note in view of of the imminence of the meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers, with the idea of utilizing the substance of its draft if the ministers discussed frontier adjustments. Documentation relating to these drafts and decisions is in file 862.014/4–1149 through 5–749. For documentation relating to the deliberations of the Council of Foreign Ministers, see pages 913 ff.