Department of State Disarmament Files
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Executive Secretary of the Executive Committee on Regulation of Armaments (Shooshan)
Subject: Implementation of the General Assembly Resolution of November 19, 1948, regarding the Preparation of Census and Verification Proposals on Effectives and Conventional Armaments
Participants: | Colonel Penette, Major Fournier; French Delegation |
Colonel Townsley; United States Military Staff Committee | |
Mr. Nash, Mr. Russell; United States Mission | |
Mr. Shooshan; Division of International Security Affairs |
At a meeting held at the United States Mission this morning, the representatives of the French Delegation said that they had received instructions from their government supporting the United States paper with the understanding that the principle of “unanimity” be followed. On questioning by Mr. Nash, the French representatives explained that this might mean acceptance by all states of the census and verification measures prior to their implementation. Mr. Nash pointed out the problems presented by the requirement of prior acceptance by all states before implementation but agreed to the inadequacy of the United States phrase of acceptance by all states “possessing substantial military resources”. Further discussion on the point lead Colonel Penette to express the opinion that acceptance by ⅔ of the United Nations members including the permanent members [Page 60] of the Security Council would undoubtedly satisfy the French Government on this point.
Discussion then followed of the United States paper and members succeeded in drafting a common work paper which it was agreed that the French would put together for consideration by representatives of the United Kingdom, Canada, France and the United States at a meeting to be held on May 20.