
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Under Secretary of State (Webb)

top secret

Subject: Date for the Resumption of Atomic Energy Talks

Participants: Sir Oliver Franks, British Ambassador
Mr. Webb, Under Secretary of State
Mr. Thompson, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State

The Ambassador explained the difficulties which had been encountered in fixing a date for the resumption of the atomic energy talks. It appeared that every date suggested was difficult for at least some of the participants. On the British side, the most important consideration was to find a date which would make it possible for Roger Makins to attend, since he was the one person from the British side who had the whole story. From the British point of view, the week beginning November 28 appeared to be the only satisfactory one although this was very awkward for some of the British participants. The important thing from the British point of view was to fix a firm date.

I informed the Ambassador that we would accept November 28 as a firm date for the resumption of the talks.