Department of State Atomic Energy Files
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Secretary of State
Memorandum of Conversation With the President
Item 6—Atomic Energy Proposal
I said to the President that there had been suggestions that, as a result of the meeting at the Blair-House and our subsequent meetings on the Hill, he might consider it desirable to review the policy as set forth in the joint document which we had approved some months ago.1 The President thought that this policy was correct. He did not see what could be gained by reconsidering it or what new factors, aside from our domestic political problems, would be presented. I did not know of any.
The President suggested that we go ahead with our talks with the British, in the meantime taking steps to inform public opinion so far as possible of the major issues involved; and that, after we had ascertained what could and could not be done with the British and reviewed the situation in Congress, we determine our future procedural course.