501.BC/2–349: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)


56. For Austin. Re revival Sov demands for disarmament possibly impending in forthcoming SC consideration of GA resolution Nov 19, 1948, following confirms understanding reached conversation Osborn with Leith on Feb 21 and unless you have other views which you wish to discuss with Dept US position in SC on GA resolution should be based thereon:

GA has already considered question and has called upon SC through CCA to take specific measures in this field; what is now required is detailed study.
It is now up to Sov Union to cooperate with other members of CCA to give effect to GA resolution and not continue obstruct armaments work by repeating demands already considered and rejected by overwhelming majority UN membership.
Any “new” Sov proposals on disarmament should likewise be submitted CCA for consideration under appropriate item of its plan of work.
US will give its active support toward speedy implementation of GA resolution by CCA.

Dept believes reply to Soviets should be made if possible same meeting as Sov statement in order to counter propaganda impact caused by delay in answering.

  1. No record of this conversation has been found in the files of the Department of State.