501.BB Korea/9–1048
Memorandum by the Director of the Office of United Nations Affairs (Rusk) to the Secretary of State and the Under Secretary of State (Lovett)
[Washington,] September 10,
Subject: Instructions on the Problem of Independence of Korea
The attached1 position paper (Tab A) would instruct our Delegation to the General Assembly in Paris as follows:
- 1.
- To advocate acceptance of our view that the government of the Republic of Korea is entitled to be regarded as the government of Korea as envisaged in the General Assembly Resolution of November 14, 1947.
- 2.
- To support a request of the Delegation of the Republic of Korea for a hearing, but not to support its taking part in debate.
- 3.
- Not to oppose a statement by the Delegation from Northern Korea if such a Delegation so requests and if Assembly sentiment appears favorable, but the US Delegation should state that we do not consider this Delegation to be composed of representatives of the people of Korea within the meaning of the General Assembly Resolution of November 14, 1947.
- 4.
- To support early withdrawal of all occupation forces, to advocate removal of present barriers between the regions of Korea, and to advocate steps towards unification.
- 5.
- To recommend, by proposing an appropriate resolution (Tab C, attached) either (a) reconstitution of the present Commission on [Page 1300] Korea, or (b) appointment by the Assembly of a representative for (1) consultation and observation of withdrawal of forces (2) facilitating removal of barriers (3) observing elections where they have not been held, and (4) report to the next session of the Assembly.
- 6.
- Within its discretion, to support approval of the reports of the United Nations Temporary Commission on Korea.
It is recommended that the above position be approved by the Secretary as instructions to the US Delegation.
[Here follows list of offices concurring.]
- Annexes not printed.↩