Cooperation of the United States with the Republic of the Philippines 1
1. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1947, vol. vi, pp. 1102–1126. For the Fulbright exchange agreement signed at Manila, March 23, see Department of State Bulletin, April 11, 1948, p. 488; for text, see 62 Stat. (pt. 2) 1878, (pt 2) 1895, (pt. 3) 3805. Grants under this agreement were made in August and November.
[473] The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Philippines
896.001 Roxas/4–1548: Telegram
[474] The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Philippines
896.001 Quirino/4–1748: Telegram
[475] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Philippines
711.962/6–748: Telegram
[476] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Philippines
811.24596/7–148: Telegram
[477] Memorandum by President Truman to the Secretary of State
[478] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Philippines
711.962/7–848: Telegram
[479] The Secretary of State to the Philippine Ambassador (Elizalde)
[480] The Chargé in the Philippines (Lockett) to the Secretary of State
811.24596/7–3048: Airgram
[481] The Chargé in the Philippines (Lockett) to the Secretary of State
896.00/8–1848: Telegram
[482] The Chargé in the Philippines (Lockett) to the Secretary of State
896.00/9–1348: Telegram
[483] The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Philippines
711.9612/9–1748: Telegram
[484] The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Philippines
896.20/9–2248: Telegram
[485] The Chargé in the Philippines (Lockett) to the Secretary of State
811.24596/10–1548: Telegram
[486] The Chargé in the Philippines (Lockett) to the Secretary of State
696.20/10–2048: Telegram
[487] The Chargé in the Philippines (Lockett) to the Secretary of State
896.24/10–2548: Telegram
[489] The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Philippines
811.24596/10–2748: Telegram
[490] The Chargé in the Philippines (Lockett) to the Secretary of State
811.24596/10–3148: Telegram
[491] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Philippines