501.BB Korea/6–3048: Telegram

The Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State

511. Reference Seoul PolAd 503, June 28.1 Following is text of speech by the Chairman of the United Nations Temporary Commission on Korea, Mr. Miguel A. P. Vallé, on the occasion of a visit to the Korean National Assembly, Seoul, 30 June 1948:

“Mr. Chairman of the Korean National Assembly, gentlemen: As Chairman of the United Nations Temporary Commission on Korea, it is indeed a great honor for me in particular to have this opportunity of greeting you gentlemen, honorable representatives of the Korean people in the rich language of Cervantes. At the outset, I would like to say how sorry we were that we ourselves were not able to be present at the inaugural session of this distinguished Assembly. We were engaged at that time in writing the first part of our report in Shanghai, and at our request, Mr. Costilhes, a member of the French delegation to the Commission, represented us on that occasion.

“Today I would like to take the opportunity of announcing to yon that on the 25th June, the Commission resolved unanimously to place on record its opinion that the results of the ballot of May 10, 1948, were a valid expression of the free will of the electorate in those parts of Korea which were accessible to the Commission and in which the inhabitants constituted approximately two-thirds of the people of whole Korea. This decision was taken in the light of our observations of the elections in accordance with the terms of the resolution of the General [Page 1232] Assembly of 14 November 1947. These observations had previously led to our declaration that there existed a reasonable degree of free atmosphere wherein the democratic rights of freedom of speech, press and assembly were respected. Our decision was taken after the Commission had satisfied itself that the electoral procedures which it had recommended had on the whole been correctly applied by the respective authorities.

“In extending our congratulations to the Korean people on the spirit of patriotism they demonstrated during the elections, the Commission entertains the hope that the distinguished representatives who are present here will exert their greatest efforts and will, in all sincerity, strive for the attainment of the unification of Korea within the shortest possible time. I am sure your efforts will receive the fullest cooperation of all Korean patriots.

“In addition to announcing its resolution on the elections, the Commission wishes to reiterate the fact that in accordance with resolution II of the General Assembly of the United Nations of 14 November 1948, it is ready for consultation with the elected representative of the Korean people if they desire such consultation.

“In expressing their sincere wishes for the peace and prosperity of the Korean people, the United Nations Temporary Commission of Korea desires me to emphasize its belief and faith in the future of the Korean people—a future which will indeed remain bright so long as her sons work with patience and enthusiasm for the greatness of the country.”

  1. Not printed.