501.BB Korea/6–2548: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in China


937. Urtel 1153, June 25.1 Please express informally to FonOff gratification of this Govt at initiative taken by Chinese in endeavoring obtain UNTCOK’s support for recognition recently elected Korean Natl Assembly.

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With reference request that we intercede with French Govt in this matter, you may advise FonOff that prior receipt that request we had already initiated representations both here and in Paris aimed at bringing about resumption by French rep of his previous support of “positive bloc” in UNTCOK. As consequence of those representations French rep has been instructed by his Govt to participate “constructively” in Commission’s work. While it is hoped such instructions will serve purpose envisaged in FonOff’s request set forth urtel, Dept is transmitting substance that request to Emb Paris2 as basis possible further representations in its discretion.

Sent Nanking as 937, repeated Seoul for info as 208.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Telegram 2350, June 28, 6 p. m., to Paris, not printed.