501.BB Korea/6–1748: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in India


386. Availing yourself of FonMin’s request for advice concerning trend of US policy on Korean problem (urtel 487 June 171) you are requested to inform Menon2 that US Govt continues to adhere to view, which it believes is supported by provisions of GA Resolutions particularly as interpreted by IC, that question of whether or not Korean govt to be created as result of recent elections is to be considered a national govt is one which must be decided by elected Korean representatives themselves. You may remind Menon that this view was espoused by IC in letter to Chairman UNTCOK accompanying IC Resolution of Feb 26, in which letter it was stated that: “National Assembly to which reps are to be elected would be a stage in formation of a Korean Govt, form of which is to be determined by Korean people themselves.” This view was presumably supported at the time by GOI, whose rep on IC stated moreover during course of debate on subject that he was “in favor of elections being organized immediately, wherever possible, in order to form a Nat Govt”. GOI rep at same session stated further (quoting again from Summary Record Eighth Meeting) that “in forming a Nat Govt in accordance with provisions of Res 2 of 14 Nov 1947 UN should guard against closing door on future unification of Korea and discouraging efforts being made in Korea itself to achieve unity by means of consultations and negotiations between political leaders of North and South”; reference latter statement you may point out to Menon that recently-convened Nat Assembly and its Chairman have consistently invited and encouraged participation of north Korean reps and have stated that seats for such reps are being held open in new Assembly.

If, as above quotations would seem to indicate, Menon’s point of view as expressed urtel 487 represents change in GOI attitude toward Korean problem, Dept would be interested in learning reasons for such change.

From point of view of political realities of situation you may inform Menon further that US Govt believes that chances of unification of Korea on anything but Soviet satellite basis would receive severe blow if forthcoming govt in south were not generally recognized as Nat Govt envisaged by GA Res. Alternative would seem to be to regard it as govt of south Korea alone, which would deepen division of country and preclude participation of north Koreans. Failure to recognize [Page 1224] govt in south as nat govt would moreover constitute open invitation to Soviets to consolidate position their puppet regime in north by recognizing it as nat govt of Korea. In his connection it is of interest that highly-placed Korean Communist source has been reliably quoted as having stated recently that “UN recognition” of new govt in south Korea would render mission of north Korean Communists “virtually impossible of attainment”.

You may point out to Menon that while US Govt does not wish to do anything which would prejudge right of UNGA at next session to consider and make recommendations concerning Korean problem, it is At same time of view that very considerable progress which UN has so far made in restoring freedom and independence to Korean people might well be jeopardized by any act on part of UNTCOK or its member States or of US which could be construed as disavowal of new govt. As indicated above, US Govt believes moreover that its point of view represents intent of majority of UN members as evidenced by GA and IC action.

For your background info, US Govt attaches particular importance to attitude of GOI as UNTCOK is at present evenly split on issue of whether or not new govt can be considered a nat govt. While GOI rep is reported on negative side, he is also reported to be planning to request instructions in event new govt calls itself national. In view of substantial identity of views between US Govt and GOI demonstrated in GA and IC deliberations, it is our hope that present attitude of Menon and GOI can be altered in our favor along foregoing lines and GOI rep on UNTCOK instructed accordingly.3

Sent New Delhi as 386. Rptd Seoul as 195 for info.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Dr. K. P. S. Menon, Indian Secretary for External Affairs.
  3. Telegram 531, June 30, 11 a. m., from New Delhi, reported that Secretary Menon on June 29 had “reiterated his strong conviction no action should be taken recognize South Korean Government as national until GA had opportunity discuss question.” (501.BB Korea/6–3048)