501.BB Korea/2–1348: Telegram

The Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State


83. Cite Zpol 180. Learned this morning UN Commission after rather heated debate with Jackson and Djabi on one side and Liu and Paul-Boncour on other rejected proposals of Jackson and Djabi to submit to Interim Committee Subcommittee I report on unsatisfactory conditions in South Korea.

Commission then decided merely to request Interim Committee whether, in view of Soviet boycott, elections should be held in South Korea to choose consultative representatives under resolution 1 or to choose representative assembly under resolution 2.

Commission is now meeting to approve summary of proceedings of Subcommittee 2 (task of which is to examine documents received and secure statements from Korean personalities) and Subcommittee 3 (dealing with elections and election laws). These Menon will take with him.
