501.BB Korea/2–1248: Telegram

The Ambassador in China (Stuart) to the Secretary of State


286. ReDeptel 208, February 9, 1 p. m.1 Information reaching Foreign Office from its representative on Korean commission generally coincides with that from Department. Foreign Office reluctant at this time to commit itself on any specific course of action. Vice Minister stated that whole question is under review at present. He added that general principle which would govern any Chinese attitude would be that of opposition to any course of action which would seem calculated to increase Soviet influence throughout Korea as a whole or strengthen Soviet grip on northern zone. He said this principle would be followed even if it meant continuing occupation of the southern zone by US since the Russians, being what they are, would doubtlessly find ways [Page 1104] and means of infiltrating and acquiring a hold over southern zone should Americans withdraw at this time.

  1. Same as telegram 36 to Canberra, p. 1098.