740.00119 FEAC/10–2848

Statement by the Ambassador of the Soviet Union (Panyushkin)

Statement by the Soviet Representative on the Far Eastern Commission, October 28, 1948

According to the reports of the U.S. press agencies from Japan, a secret military conference with Gen. MacArthur was held in Tokyo during the period of Oct 12–14. At this conference, according to the Associated Press report of Oct 15, there was discussed the question of increasing American occupation forces in Japan and that of preparing measures against a surprise attack on Japan, although it is known for everyone that nobody threatens Japan. The same report of the above-mentioned agency states that the U.S. military key officers have expressed great satisfaction with the fact that the former Japanese naval base in Yokosuka is being converted into a modern naval base, capable of serving large naval forces, which is in contradiction to the Cairo and the Potsdam Declarations as well as to the decisions of the Far Eastern Commission on the same subject.

Drawing attention of the FEC members to the above-mentioned reports and referring to the FEC decision “Basic Post-Surrender Policy for Japan” on June 19, 1947 (Part III-1 Disarmament and Demilitarization), the Soviet Delegation considers it necessary that the U.S. representative on the FEC inform the Commission on the substance of this question.1

  1. For reply on the same day, see memorandum of November 4, p. 887.