740.00119 FEAC/10–848: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Acting Political Adviser in Japan (Sebald)


352. Subject is Summary Far Eastern Commission Meeting, September 30, 1948. FEC 240/16, Interchange of Persons Between Japan and Other Countries for Cultural Purposes retained on agenda in view of Chinese, French and Philippine reservations.

FEC 318, Labor Policy in Japan—Soviet Ambassador said he could not agree with statement by U.S. member on Sept 23 since it justified illegal actions of General MacArthur. He contended General McCoy reckoned upon depriving FEC of opportunity to consider substance of MacArthur’s action, who by issuing directive of July 22 to Ashida violated FEC 014/9 and 045/5.

The U.S. member referred to inquiry of Chinese member at last meeting as to implementation of para 4 of FEC policy decision on trade unions and read long statement on development of arbitration and mediation machinery in Japan. The Australian member stated that his Govt was waiting to be assured that the permanent legislation would give the Japanese Govt workers rights consistent with those exercised by such workers in other democratic countries.

He noted that important points in the Australian position were (1) retention of distinction between various types of Govt workers which had been made clear in SCAP’s letter to Ashida but not in Japanese ordinance; (2) the establishment of external mediation authority; (3) no permanent prohibition of trade union rights by legislation. He hoped that ordinance would not establish pattern for permanent legislation. He added that his Govt attached great importance to assurance that US and SCAP would carefully scrutinize proposed legislation.

Soviet statement on Level of Economic Life in Japan, FEC 320, Australian, New Zealand and Chinese members asked USSR for clarification with reference to (1) distinction between war and peaceful industries. (2) relationship between Soviet proposal and reparations from current production, (3) time of application of control machinery.

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Netherlands and Australian members again pressed US for statement on Suzuki incident. FEC 245/18, Civil Aviation in Japan, FEC 242/32 and related items retained on agenda.
