501.BC Indonesia/10–3048: Telegram

The Consul General at Batavia (Livengood) to the Secretary of State

us urgent

957. Gocus 424. Arrived Jogja October 30, 9 a. m. Met by Republic delegation chairman Roem to whom I delivered copy Netherlands delegation letter 2473 dated October 28 (Gocus 422)1 under cover following letter October 29 addressed Roem signed Cochran:

“I have honor to refer to your letter of October 21, 1948, in which you reaffirmed your desire to resume negotiations on basis of plan submitted by USDel in its oral note dated September 10, 1948.

[Page 445]

By a letter dated October 22, 1948, I transmitted a copy of your letter to acting vice chairman of Netherlands delegation for confidential information of his government. On evening of October 28, I received letter number 2473, bearing same date signed by acting vice chairman of Netherlands delegation. A copy of this letter is enclosed. You will note that Netherlands Government states that it is prepared to resume negotiations on basis of proposals of USDel, provided that the following are understood:

  • ‘(A) That no agreement can be concluded before satisfactory proof of effected [effective?] Republic measures to stop infringements of military terms of truce and to combat such infringements is obtained, and before appropriate measures are taken to implement economic terms of truce;
  • (B) That in order to promote purposes referred to sub (A) the Republic delegation agrees, beforehand, that these points will be the first to be discussed when negotiations are resumed;
  • (C) That if a solution regarding these points cannot be reached Netherlands Government will be forced to conclusion that negotiations to arrive at an overall agreement cannot have successful results;
  • (D) That negotiations commence within few days after receipt of this letter.’

The background of these ideas is set forth in the letter itself.

It will be noted the Republic delegation is called upon to agree that the first subjects to be discussed upon resumption of negotiations will be measures to be taken by Republic to stop infringements of military terms of truce and measures to be taken to implement economic terms of truce.

It becomes necessary therefore for me to inquire whether you are willing to confirm your understanding of the points set forth above and in particular to enter into the requested stipulation with regard to the order of discussions as a preliminary to resumption of negotiations on basis of plan proposed by USDel.

I shall be glad to transmit your reply to the acting vice chairman of Netherlands delegation.”

Discussed foregoing one hour with Roem and one hour with Pringgo Digdo. Received by Hatta 12 noon. Discussed formal letter and Netherlands invitation to meet Stikker. Hatta agreed proceed with party to Batavia Thursday November 4 on GOC plane provided I procure Netherlands approval for amphibian plane which Hatta hopes charter from Philippines pick up him and party Batavia 2 days later and transport thence to Pajakomb near Bukittinggi. Hatta would thus be visiting Batavia on first leg of fortnight tour of Republic area Sumatra which he has planned for some time.

Hatta is obliged remain Jogja through Wednesday November 3 because important meeting that date. Above schedule would get Hatta and Stikker together middle of latter’s anticipated 10 day stay Batavia. Hatta decision meant overruling some advisors keenly resentful treatment accorded Republic in matter Batavia house, hospital, immunities and evictees.

Hatta will take advantage concession granted by Schuurman orally (Gocus 4232) and will not answer my letter transmitting Netherlands [Page 446] delegation letter October 28 until he has talked with Stikker.

Hatta promised speak as frankly with Stikker as he has talked with and written me on conditions and problems of Republic and also on assurances he can give and measures he can promise. He will endeavor clear up as much as possible of truce implementation in conference with Netherlands Foreign Minister and prepare for GOC opening negotiation soon USDel plan. He asked me suggest talks be directly between Stikker and himself without assistants. I am to keep Hatta informed of developments through Republic delegation secretary general Batavia.

Hatta spoke with me in regard to Communism. Said as head of democratic regime he had not seen fit outlaw Communism. Said he had however shown his determination to crush Communists led in uprising by Moscow-trained Muso. He said GRR [ FDR ?] now groups several minorities including some Tan Malaka Communists. Said he will crush any of these who follow example Muso group.

Talked subsequently with Leimena and Republic Foreign Minister. They and others mentioned above all consider Netherlands tactics play for time to prepare for military action and a means of occupying GOC with talks on truce while situation deteriorates further. They favor Hatta leaving no stone unturned to evince willingness and sincerity in resuming negotiations.

I telephoned Schuurman as soon as I reached Batavia. He called on me 7:30 p. m. I told him result my visit to Jogja. It was agreed I would confirm on Sunday by personal letter Hatta’s acceptance of invitation and also travel plans. Furthermore I would include in this the fact with respect to my utilization of concession granted orally by Schuurman of which Hatta is taking advantage in not giving written answer until after meeting Stikker. Schuurman thanked me for intervention with Republic and for benefit of having note from me which he can show Stikker on anticipated arrival Batavia October 31, 2 p. m. Signed Cochran.

Sent Department 957; Department pass Hague.3

  1. Telegram 951, October 28, midnight, not printed, but see footnote 1, p. 437.
  2. Telegram 953, October 29, p. 439.
  3. This was done the same day.