501.BC Indonesia/9–1048: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Netherlands (Baruch) to the Secretary of State


590. Jessup and Ross1 arrived yesterday, conferred at length Secretary General Lovink and De Beus of Netherlands Permanent Delegation UN. Satisfactory conversations resulted all matters forthcoming GA including Indonesia. This morning Foreign Minister,2 Ambassador Van Royen further considered with Jessup, Ross and myself all problems covered recent communications re UN. Later full discussion concerning Indonesian situation with Dr. Blom and associates covered recent developments Indonesian situation as concerned UN and SC interest therein with special emphasis on increasingly threatening Communist developments in Republic circles and confession Sjarifoeddin to membership Communist Party since 1935.

Jessup and Ross expressed great satisfaction result visit and departed Brussels 11 a.m. today.

  1. John C. Ross, Deputy to the U.S. Representative at the UN.
  2. D. U. Stikker.