501.BC Indonesia/9–1048: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Consulate General at Batavia

us urgent

427. Usgoc 137. Counselor Neth Emb and First Secretary called Sep 9 Dept’s request. Dept officers, noting seriously increasing pressure on Hatta Govt of Communist origin, stated Dept believed prompt action consolidate Hatta’s position essential; suggested that only realistic means assuring stability Hatta Govt lay in acceptance by parties just and practical settlement which would accommodate legitimate nationalist aspirations Repub and non-Repub Indonesians; such solution could not be offered by one party to other under present circumstances with any hope acceptance and only GOC or USDel was in position offer plan which could be accepted by both parties; pointed out Cochran had seen Neth plan and believed not only that it would be unacceptable to Repub but its presentation this time would seriously prejudice acceptance compromise USDel plan if offered subsequently; Cochran had developed plan Dept believed entirely just and eminently practical and was prepared energetically support, which Cochran would offer both parties simultaneously within next few days. Dept officers therefore requested Neth Emb Washington request Hague forego presentation Neth plan to Repub, to GOC or to Bandung Conference and prepare favorably and finally consider USDel proposal when submitted Batavia.

Dept officers stated they were prepared describe contents plan to Neth Emb Wash if Neth Emb desired but suggested representations to Hague by Neth Emb would be less subject future complications if contents plan not discussed this occasion. Neth Counselor agreed.

Having expressed serious misgivings Hatta’s ability validate any reasonable agreement, Neth Counselor expressed his willingness recommend course suggested by Dept to Hague in most persuasive manner; if Hague agreed this course action it would in effect be placing its destiny in Indonesia in hands USDel sight unseen. Dept officers pointed out risk involved relatively small in that Hatta’s failure validate agreement would leave situation no worse in any important particular than it now is. Dept officers made special point accommodation nationalist aspirations Repub as necessary condition precedent action against Communists whether taken by Hatta in concert with Neth and/or US or alone. Dept officers also made clear in their opinion Hatta together with Masjoemi and PNI (Congen tel 763 Sep 7) could in these circumstances be drawn into realistic cooperation with Neth in degree impossible before.

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Dept officers made clear plan was no “Dutch deal” and that concessions to Repub were incorporated therein sufficient enable Hatta return his govt bearing a square deal.1

  1. Repeated as 434 to The Hague.