501.BC Indonesia/9–248: Telegram
The Consul General at Batavia (Livengood) to the Secretary of State
us urgent
747. Gocus 365. Deptel 394, August 31 to Batavia. US Delegation will forward its considered views to Department on September 6. Meanwhile, only action we believe Department should take would be to impress on Netherlands desirability of refraining from further apparent stiffening the attitude of Netherlands exemplified in recent steps by NEI Government (Gocus 362, August 281).
We note Usgoc 133, September 2 was despatched prior Department’s receipt Gocus 364, September 12 containing text Netherlands draft agreement. We doubt Department would wish us urge Netherlands Delegation present this text to GOC. For reasons set forth penultimate paragraph Gocus 364, we will refrain from doing so unless we hear to contrary from Department.
We understand from Consulate General code clerk that Gocus 360, August 26 containing 5-point procedure for presentation US Delegation agreement was badly garbled in transmission which probably accounts for fear expressed 3rd paragraph Usgoc 133. Any event US Delegation will not delay presentation its draft plan to GOC after receipt Department’s comments thereon nor will it fail to discuss its draft with both parties as soon as question has been finally decided that draft to be presented will be US Delegation’s and not Netherlands Delegation’s.
Netherlands Delegation has not yet provided any material in addition to draft forwarded Gocus 364, September 1. Text of US Delegation’s draft will be forwarded Department on September 6. Signed Scott.