501.BC Indonesia/4–848: Telegram

The Consul General at Batavia (Livengood) to the Secretary of State


278. From Gocus No. 221. Political Commission yesterday considered report of subcommittee on first and second NethDel working papers and related Republic papers (ourtels 206, 208, 209, and 2191) covering field political agreement. Summary follows:

Subcommittee has achieved agreement on following:

While interrelated items political agreement will be discussed concurrently, agreement will not be concluded until understanding reached on all matters to be included in agreement. Agreement not to be signed until authorization given by both governments.
Parties may agree on method consulting will of population other than plebiscites.
Federation and union to come into being approximately same time with question whether establishment union and federation should coincide being left to juridical-theoretical discussion.
USI to be sovereign, independent and democratic state. NethDel wishes it understood this will not prejudice interdependence to be established in union.
Participation and membership USI to be open any territory Indonesia expressing desire by democratic procedure.
Head of state of USI to be elected by democratic procedure.
Member states USI to have democratic form government.
Constitution’s member states to contain no provisions contrary principles USI constitution.
Powers USI to comprise management matters related foreign relations, defense, main problems economy and finance, Netherlands-Indonesian union, relations member states, other matters which can be dealt with adequately only on federal level.
USI to promote general interests Indonesian peoples as nation and common interests member states.
Rights minorities and fundamental rights and freedoms as provided UN Charter to be safeguarded.
Education and culture to be promoted and developed.
Legislative Assembly to be composed of upper house with member states represented on equal basis and lower house with representation proportionate population.

On following points, further discussion considered necessary:

Question whether principles Linggadjati include recognition Republic and GOC statement of January 17.
Status autonomous native states.
How far it possible combine (a) determination whether populations Java, Madura, Sumatra wish territory included Republic or some other state; (b) selection constituent assembly; and (c) selection provisional representatives in order bring USI and union into existence soonest.
Sound financial and economic basis for USI (to be dealt with by EcoFinCom).
Institution common Indonesian citizenship has raised election representatives to upper house.

On following points, no agreement yet reached.

Incorporation of Republic in proof effort and effectuation of first of 6 additional principles with respect exercise by Netherlands of ultimate responsibility NEI.
Whether above principle does or does not give Netherlands discretionary power to transfer rights, duties and responsibilities to provisional Federal Government (i.e., whether Netherlands must do so).
Exercise for representation by Republic.
Date and extent plebiscites.
Status New Guinea.
Official language of USI.

(As in case all GOC documents, six copies above report mailed to Department.)

In PolCom discussion on procedure for reducing areas disagreement, Roem showed desire proceed obtain agreement on as many points as possible with view that residual items might then prove less knotty. Vredenburch, while conceding merits this approach, considered most critical issues in dispute (obviously referring interim period) should be faced concurrently, suggesting unless they solved, all other work might prove vain. He suggested GOC take active role, meeting formally or informally with one or two representatives’ parties for thorough airing of issues. Roem appeared unresponsive idea increased participation GOC such discussions. (This most interesting reversal past attitude parties.)

In discussion, two major bones contention, Roem stated Republic would cease publicizing that plebiscites to be confined to Netherlands areas and stated he understood Republic had no intention expanding for[eign] representation, that he would seek definite assurances from Hatta this point soonest (Hatta now being in Sumatra), that any case Vredenburch had been misinformed this score2 (last paragraph ourtel 2163).

Department pass Hague.4

  1. Telegrams 254, March 31, p. 129; 257, April 1, p. 130; 259, April 2, p. 133; and 272, April 6, p. 137.
  2. In telegram 330, April 21, 3 p. m., from Batavia (Gocus 238), the Department was informed that at the meeting April 19 of the steering committee Indonesian delegate Roem “gave assurance previously requested by Vredenburch” that the Republic would not expand its foreign representation.”
  3. Telegram 268, April 6, p. 134.
  4. This was done the same day.