501.BC Indonesia/4–848: Telegram

The Consul General at Batavia (Livengood) to the Secretary of State


275. Gocus 220. Summary yesterday’s Security Committee meeting as follows:

Netherlands delegation in sharp speech reviewed charges of Republican infringements of truce, including infiltration of Republican soldiers into Netherlands areas under instructions from TNI units to conduct sabotage and propaganda, organization of pro-Republican groups in Netherlands areas engaging sabotage, murder and intimidation and inflammatory broadcasts by Republican radios. Netherlands delegation contended Republican replies to these charges heretofore unsatisfactory and demanded immediate cessation such violations and issuance pamphlet by Republicans disowning subversive groups. Indo delegation agreed investigate and prevent infiltration Republican soldiers, suggested joint monitoring board for control radio broadcasts both parties, but pointed out Republicans had already disclaimed responsibility activities Partisan groups Netherlands areas and publicized its acceptance peaceful means settling dispute with Netherlands and considered further steps to discourage subversive activities in Netherlands areas uncalled for. Such activities, arising spontaneously, likely continue, Indo delegation contended, until Netherlands carried out truce by permitting resumption trade across lines, stopped violations truce by its naval units, accepted GOC January 17 suggestion for political amnesty, and agrees permit return of demobilized TNI troops to homes in Netherlands areas. Indo delegation also cited its recent letter to GOC submitting evidence of Dutch operated espionage ring in Bantam. (This connection, rumors current here of Dutch tie-up with bandit gangs Bantam which TNI has recently suppressed.) Netherlands delegation denied charge subversive activities Bantam, stated no consideration would be given Republican request for return 9,000 demobilized evacuees to west Java until infiltration stopped, and insisted Republicans publicly call on subversive groups Netherlands areas cease activities. In lengthy discussion, GOC offered view Republic had opportunity allay its supporter’s fears of renewed hostilities, [Page 140] which probably underlay anti-Dutch activities, that it could disavow methods employed by subversive groups without disavowing groups themselves, suggested Netherlands delegation could contribute by expediting resumption trade and evolving procedure handling SEA incidents, and arranged for parties meet in subcommittee discuss methods preventing specific types infringements. GOC also noted parties comments at last received on pamphlet drafted by GOC 6 weeks ago explaining Renville Agreement and obligations it imposed on both sides, and offered view dissemination this pamphlet should help ease situation.
Republicans expressed concern at Netherlands delay in releasing Republican military prisoners, noted Netherlands holding back until Republicans had supplied more information on missing Netherlands soldiers allegedly held by Republicans, and stated no further information available on such soldiers, most of whom never captured by Republicans. Parties agreed resume subcommittee meetings this matter and GOC made military observers available endeavor trace missing Netherlands soldiers.
Netherlands delegation brought up question turn-over by Republicans to Netherlands of Japanese and German nationals. Indo delegation requested delay until Security Committee’s burden of work in effecting implementation truce lessened and until political discussions further advanced. Netherlands delegation accepted slight delay but stated matter urgent.
Parties took cognizance GOC suggestion local commanders both sides be authorized withdraw forward posts in order create demilitarized zone minimum 5 kilometers width both sides line all areas. Indo delegation strongly supported suggestion. Netherlands delegation refused consider any enlargement demilitarized zone until Republicans measures against infiltration and subversive activities effective but promised review matter fortnight hence.
Parties finally agreed text regulations for aircraft under general truce regulations.

It obvious parties still in serious psychological impasse. In effort reduce impasse in some degree, US delegation adviser April 6 in conversation with Stuyt1 urged Netherlands delegation publicize reduction strength NEI Army, which Stuyt claims has been considerable, in order strengthen hand Republican Government. While top Republican leaders seem now reasonably convinced Netherlands intentions trustworthy, they obviously holding back from policy genuine cooperation for fear losing support militant and intransigent political and military elements. Little question that serious if small-scale disorders [Page 141] are resulting from Republican reluctance risk alienation any their adherents.

  1. Giacomo Stuyt, member of Netherlands delegation to GOC.