845.002/9–2948: Telegram
The Chargé in India, (Donovan) to the Secretary of State
890. Deptel 584, September 27.1 Embassy believes meeting Secretary with Nehru in Paris would afford ideal opportunity discuss widespread misconceptions among literate Indians extending even to Cabinet level regarding policy of US toward USSR, India, and Southeast Asia. Unpublicized meeting between Marshall and Nehru would enable former bring his enormous personal prestige to bear without subjecting Nehru to severe criticism in pro-Soviet circles in India.
US is criticized in India for not rendering more financial and technical assistance, yet American businessmen receive no encouragement to invest and any suggestion of American aid or investment is widely criticized as extension American imperialism. While Embassy does not consider this occasion appropriate for raising foregoing question, it is mentioned since Prime Minister might bring up this topic which would give Secretary opportunity comment on alleged “American imperialism”.
Majority position Western powers in UN is widely regarded as US majority completely subject to US control. Cabinet Minister close to Nehru remarked few days ago USSR was justified in demanding veto to protect it from US majority because minority rights must be protected. Attempt could be made convince Nehru majority position based on convictions nations concerned and not result US pressure and that will of majority should not be continuously thwarted by obstructionist minority.
Mrs. Pandit on September 25 in address to UNGA gave excellent description India’s conception its objectives and its international role.2 [Page 516] India would like remain neutral in struggle between USSR and Western powers, which struggle it regards basically as being between USSR and US, and India is even half convinced it may be able mediate or effect workable compromise between these powers. Secretary may wish make few remarks regarding possible consequences such neutrality.
Soviet propaganda, widely accepted here, proclaims US is endangering peace of world with threat of another terrible war. Opportunity might be utilized emphasize threat comes from USSR, that it extends not only to Western powers, but to India and all Southeast Asia. Communist uprisings Southeast Asia should be mentioned.
However, US policy regarding nationalist movements in Southeast Asian colonial countries is subjected to strong criticism by Indians, who do not understand why, in view our widely proclaimed beliefs in freedom and democracy, we do not lend active support to nationalist movements rather than assisting European powers, namely, French and Dutch, by ERP aid to suppress those movements. Indians are perturbed by Communist uprisings, but believe that basically they stem from suppression and exploitation of masses by European powers and “foreign vested interests”.
Belief is widely held here US favors Pakistan over India because US wishes establish bases in Pakistan in event war with USSR. Pertinent comments this subject might be useful.
Nehru probably will wish discuss India’s most pressing problem, settlement Kashmir dispute. Belief held in some top GOI military quarters here is that India cannot support war in Kashmir for another winter. Question must be settled before normal relations with Pakistan can be established and normal relations are vital to peace this area and fulfillments objectives US policy.
Sent Department 890; Department pass Paris.