501.BC Kashmir/11–1348: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State

secret   priority

Delga 738. Kashmir case. Department’s views as indicated Gadel 454, November 11 were conveyed informally to Cadogan (UK) this morning with some softening last two paragraphs relating availability prominent American. We told Cadogan we were not enthusiastic about putting an American in prospective position but that question could be reconsidered carefully upon conclusion present efforts UNCIP. Leaving door open this fashion based partly Huddle’s views and partly on possibility that should present efforts UNCIP be successful in establishing plans for cease-fire, truce and plebiscite, we need not be so concerned with choice American as administrator plebiscite.

[Page 450]

In answering Cadogan’s inquiry on point, he was informed of contacts already made by UNCIP with Zafrulla (Pakistan) and Pandit (India) which point toward possibility fruitful discussions here. When informed that UNCIP efforts would probably continue through first week December, Cadogan appeared reconciled possibility SC action if necessary might have to be postponed until January SC meeting New York.

In conclusion Cadogan promised convey our views his Government, and we told him we would keep him closely advised regarding UNCIP progress.

Sent Department Delga 738, repeated London as 1258. Department repeat Karachi as 7; New Delhi as 9.
